8 Signs it’s Time to Consider the Cloud

Have you been hearing the term “the cloud” bouncing around in conversations at your office, but you’re still not 100% sure it’s for you. Are you waiting for some sort of sign to find out if it’s worth your time? Well, we have eight. If any of these sound like your business, it might be time to […]
Why Enterprises Should Love the Cloud

Individuals and small businesses have been quick to board the cloud computing train. Enterprises, on the other hand, have lagged a bit behind. This is due to many reasons, one major one being security concerns. However, it seems that big businesses are finally finding their way to the cloud. A recent study by IDG found […]
7 Frequently Asked Questions About the Cloud

The cloud has been defined in countless ways, and that’s because it encompasses so many things. People use the term “cloud” when referring to Software as a Service. They use it when referring to online storage. They use it thinking it refers only to Apple’s iCloud. All of these things are forms of cloud computing […]
BYOD: Revolutionizing Your Business

Productivity Though the use of personal devices used to be seen as a distraction in the workplace, the mindset regarding this topic is beginning to change. In many cases, BYOD is actually boosting the productivity of businesses and their employees. A recent study found that 93% of employees find BYOD to be beneficial to both […]
Top 10 Tips for Securely Managing BYOD in the Workplace
The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) phenomenon is expanding at an incredible rate. It is something that affects every business, from the smallest to the largest. How each business is dealing with BYOD ranges from complete apathy to a full embrace of it with sophisticated processes and controls in place to maximize employee productivity while […]