Tag: Cloud

8 Signs it’s Time to Consider the Cloud

Have you been hearing the term “the cloud” bouncing around in conversations at your office, but you’re still not 100% sure it’s for you. Are you waiting for some sort of sign to find out if it’s worth your time? Well, we have eight. If any of these sound like your business,...

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Is 2015 the Year of Cloud Computing?

If you thought the new year meant brand new technology trends, we can set the record straight. It seems that cloud computing is officially here to stay. Businesses have moved past the introduction phase of the popular technology and are now profiting from the benefits of the cloud. Countless studies...

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Cloud Computing Drives Business Innovation

The title to this post almost sounds obvious, but the truth is that cloud computing is not yet being used to its full potential. Many businesses currently rely on the cloud solely to save money or add simple mobility, but these organizations are hardly scratching the surface of the cloud’s true capabilities....

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